Saturday, April 04, 2009


I had been to FTII this morning, nice campus I must say. As i was on my way out, a group of students approached me. They needed a girl as one of the characters for their assignment. i agreed. We started with the set up.

They were given a 6 shot assignment. They had to depict a complete story in 6 frames or photographs. Somebody had chopped off a tree in their campus. In The first shot we were to look worried beside the chopped tree. In the last shot we were to plant a new sapling. 

(Wow i thought ! that was so simple, natural, constructive, practical and peaceful. I wish the different religious communities, sub communities, sub sub communities ... were listening.)

I liked the plan. We began shooting. At the last shot they realised - Hey we need a sapling to plant ...  Somebody quickly went and uprooted one. I am sure they will get an A+. 


Indrani said...

LOL... I am seriously laughing :D
But you come across such instances very regularly in life... :)
Get things by hook or by crook... no matter what you have preached in the past

MindBogglers said...

Hahahahahaha !! nice one :)

Neeraj Adsul said...

Supér !!!